Harlan异黄酮调整饲料Isoflavone adjusted

Harlan异黄酮调整饲料Isoflavone adjusted

Harlan Teklad动物饲料

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Isoflavone adjusted

Isoflavone adjusted

Isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen, are found in soy protein. Most traditional standard diets have soybean meal as a major ingredient, and therefore are a significant source of isoflavones. Please refer to FAQ section for more information about phytoestrogens.

In contrast, casein-based purified diets such as AIN-76A, AIN-93G, AIN-93M, and formulas with similar ingredients, are essentially free of isoflavones. This type of diet is sometimes used for research that requires a minimal isoflavone background. This type of diet can be used as the background to which isoflavones such as genistein (supplied by the customer) can be added.

An alternative to a purified, casein-based diet is a natural ingredient diet from our global rodent diet line. Several diets in this line contain minimal isoflavone/phytoestrogen levels and are commonly used for research that requires a minimal isoflavone/phytoestrogen background. This type of diet can also be used as the background to which isoflavones such as genistein (supplied by the customer) can be added.


相比之下,基于酪蛋白的纯化饮食,如 AIN-76A、AIN-93G、AIN-93M 和具有类似成分的配方食品,基本上不含异黄酮。这种类型的饮食有时用于需要最低异黄酮背景的研究。这种类型的饮食可用作添加异黄酮(如染料木黄酮(由客户提供))的背景。


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Isoflavone adjusted
