TDB–Q-dextran Q-葡聚糖

TDB–Q-dextran Q-葡聚糖



CAS number: not available

Q-dextran is supplied as a coarse white powder and is readily soluble in water. The nitrogen content is approx.

2% (by elemental analysis) which corresponds to approximately one quaternary ammonium group for every four

glucose units. The nitrogen content is 1.5 – 2.5%. Unlike DEAE-dextrans, Q-dextrans will be charged over a wide

range of pH (pH 4-10). They also have a much stronger net charge and thus give enhanced responses in systems

where this effect is important. Polycati

Q-dextran is a polycationic derivative of dextran. These derivatives are distinct from DEAE-dextrans in that they only contain quaternary amine groups. Unlike DEAE-dextrans, Q-dextrans will be charged over a wide range of pH (pH 4-10). Q-dextrans will also have a much stronger net charge than corresponding DEAE-dextrans. All batches are checked for molecular weight, degree of substitution and loss on drying. TdB Labs produce Q-dextran from 4 kDa to 150 kDa. Q-dextrans are supplied as a white powder.

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葡萄糖单位。氮含量为 1.5 – 2.5%。与 DEAE-dextrans 不同,Q-dextrans 将被收取广泛的费用

pH 范围(pH 4-10)。它们还具有更强的净电荷,从而在系统中提供增强的响应


Q-葡聚糖是葡聚糖的聚阳离子衍生物。这些衍生物与 DEAE-葡聚糖的不同之处在于它们仅包含季胺基团。与 DEAE-葡聚糖不同,Q-葡聚糖将在很宽的 pH 值范围内(pH 4-10)带电。 Q-dextrans 的净电荷也比相应的 DEAE-dextrans 强得多。检查所有批次的分子量、取代度和干燥损失。 TdB Labs 可生产 4 kDa 至 150 kDa 的 Q-葡聚糖。 Q-葡聚糖以白色粉末形式提供。


Q-dextrans are synthesised by reacting dextran fractions with 2,3-epoxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride. The nitrogen content is approximately 2% which corresponds to one quaternary ammonium group for every four glucose units.

Storage and stability
Q-dextran is stable for more than 6 years when stored dry in well-sealed containers at ambient temperature.

Q-dextran dissolves readily in water.

Polycationic products exhibit a wide variety of effects in cellular systems and are of interest as adjuvants in vaccines. Q-dextran has a much stronger net charge than corresponding DEAE-dextrans and will thus give enhanced responses in systems where this effect is important. Read more about application here.

Q-葡聚糖是通过葡聚糖组分与 2,3-环氧丙基三甲基氯化铵反应合成的。 氮含量约为 2%,对应于每四个葡萄糖单位一个季铵基团。

Q-葡聚糖在环境温度下在密封良好的容器中干燥储存时可稳定保存 6 年以上。


聚阳离子产品在细胞系统中表现出多种作用,并且在疫苗中作为佐剂受到关注。 Q-葡聚糖的净电荷比相应的 DEAE-葡聚糖强得多,因此在这种效应很重要的系统中会增强响应。 在此处阅读有关应用程序的更多信息。

Catalog no Name MW (Da) Packsize
QD4 Q-dextran 4 4000 10g
QD4 Q-dextran 4 4000 100g
QD10 Q-dextran 10 10000 10g
QD10 Q-dextran 10 10000 100g
QD20 Q-dextran 20 20000 10g
QD20 Q-dextran 20 20000 100g
QD70 Q-dextran 70 70000 10g
QD70 Q-dextran 70 70000 100g
QD150 Q-dextran 150 150000 10g
QD150 Q-dextran 150 150000 100g
