TDB–Tetramethylrhodamine Hyaluronic Acid 四甲基罗丹明透明质酸

TDB–Tetramethylrhodamine Hyaluronic Acid 四甲基罗丹明透明质酸

Hyaluronic acid (HA) can be obtained from various sources, for example rooster combs orStreptococcus equi. We can supply derivatives of either of these qualities labelled with tetramethylrhodamine (T-HA). All batches are checked for molecular weight, degree of substitution, loss on drying and free TRITC. TdB Labs can produce T-HA with a molecular weight of approximately 1.5 MDa. T-HA is supplied as a pink powder.

透明质酸 (HA) 可以从各种来源获得,例如鸡冠或马链球菌。 我们可以提供标有四甲基罗丹明 (T-HA) 的这些品质的衍生物。 检查所有批次的分子量、取代度、干燥失重和游离 TRITC。 TdB Labs 可以生产分子量约为 1.5 MDa 的 T-HA。 T-HA 以粉红色粉末形式提供。

Structure 结构
Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide composed of alternating β(1-3) glucuronide and β(1-4) glucosaminide units derived from Streptococcus equi. The hyaluronic acid is labelled with amino-tetramethylrhodamine. The degree of substitution lies between 0.001 and 0.008. The labelling procedures do not lead to depolymerisation of the HA.

透明质酸是一种多糖,由来自马链球菌的交替的 β(1-3) 葡糖苷酸和 β(1-4) 葡糖胺单位组成。 透明质酸用氨基四甲基罗丹明标记。 取代度介于 0.001 和 0.008 之间。 标记程序不会导致 HA 解聚。

Spectral data
T-HA has an excitation maximum at 552 nm and an emission maximum at 576 nm.

T-HA 在 552 nm 处具有最大激发,在 576 nm 处具有最大发射。

Storage and stability 
T-HA is stable for more than 6 years when stored dry in well-sealed containers.

在密封良好的容器中干燥储存时,T-HA 可稳定保存 6 年以上。

T-HA dissolves readily in water.

T-HA 易溶于水。

T-HA have been used to e.g. investigate invasive growth into brain tissue. Read more about applications here.

T-HA 已被用于例如 研究侵入性生长进入脑组织。 在此处阅读有关应用程序的更多信息。


  1. Pusch, A. et al. CD44 and hyaluronan promote invasive growth of B35 neuroblastoma cells into the brain. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular Cell Research 1803, 261–274 (2010)
  2. Kaminski, T.Siebrasse, J.-P.Gieselmann, V.Kubitscheck, U.Kappler, J. Imaging and tracking of single hyaluronan molecules diffusing in solution. Glycoconjugate Journal 25(6), 555-560 (2008).