

TdB专注于葡聚糖衍生物和其它多糖的研发和生产,在多糖领域具有丰富的经验。TdB开发合成了不同的分子量、硫酸化程度的硫酸葡聚糖,包括用于实验动物肠炎诱导的硫酸葡聚糖钠(DSS),满足不同实验需求,是研究肠炎病因及炎症治疗的“金标准”。现在务涵盖制药、诊断及生物技术领域研发的众多产品,可提供FITC, TRITC, ATTOTM-染料和特有的Antonia RedTM-染料标记的荧光衍生物,广泛应用于生命科学领域包括渗透性研究,细胞保存和动物研究。

TdB Labs AB是一家瑞典生物技术公司,位于瑞典乌普萨拉,成立于1990年,曾用名TdB Consultancy。
2015年TdB获得了ISO 9001:2008认证,2019年更名为TdB Labs AB。TdB专注于葡聚糖衍生物和其它
症治疗的“金标准”。现在TdB业务涵盖制药、诊断及生物技术领域研发的众多产品,可提供FITC, TRITC
, ATTO™-染料和特有的Antonia Red™-染料标记的荧光衍生物,广泛应用于生命科学领域包括渗透性研
2015年 TdB Labs通过ISO 9001认证
2015年 TdB Labs通过ISO 9001认证
1 TdB多糖产品简介
的标记使用。荧光产品线由21组不同分子量的荧光多糖组成,包括了FITC, TRITC, ATTO™-染料和特有
的Antonia Red™-染料标记衍生物。
20年历史。 低分子量的硫酸葡聚糖常用于细胞培养添加物或作为稳定剂使用。蓝色葡聚糖常被用作色谱
提供两种不同系列的硫酸葡聚糖,高硫酸化和低硫酸化系列。硫酸葡聚糖的平均分子量范围从 5 kDa
到2000 kDa。所有硫酸葡聚糖产品都是通过相同的过程生产的,皆为纯白色产品。
高取代度硫酸葡聚糖含16-19%硫酸,分子量从5 kDa到2000 kDa。
低取代度硫酸葡聚糖含8-13%硫酸,分子量从5 kDa到500 kDa。
硫酸葡聚糖钠(DSS),用于肠炎建模。硫酸葡聚糖钠 (DSS)是实验动物肠炎建模的金标试剂。DSS是
平均分子量在40KDa,硫含量17-19 %的硫酸葡聚糖盐。早在近40年前,TdB就开始肠炎建模级DSS的
蓝色葡聚糖是使用Cibacron blue F3GA标记。可以生产平均分子量范围5 kDa 到2000 kDa的蓝色葡聚糖。
全新的染料系列:FITC (异硫氰酸荧光素) 和Cibacron Blue 3G-A。FITC (异构体I) 是一种有广泛应用的
荧光染料,可以和多糖蛋白和其它分子共轭结合。Cibacron Blue 3G-A是一种蒽醌类染料,常用于亲
2 TdB多糖产品应用领域
  1. 细胞培养用的抗凝剂
  2. 脂蛋白的选择性沉淀
  3. 加速DNA杂交
  4. 从DNA-组蛋白复合物中释放DNA
  5. 抑制tRNA与核糖体的结合
  6. 核糖核酸酶抑制剂
  7. 抗病毒性
  8. 用于化妆品的抗感染和透水保湿
  9. 分离微生物和大分子
  10. 疫苗佐剂
  11. 膜选择性渗透研究
3 TdB多糖产品质量控制
质量:所有产品都拥有一流的质量。多糖衍生物具有高纯度和低聚合物分散性(PD), 即
重均分子量Mw与数均分子量Mn之比接近于1。 对于渗透性研究来说,这点尤为重要。
商品名称 品牌 货号 包装规格
Lysine dextran 500 TdB LD500-1g 1g
Lysine dextran 500 TdB LD500-100mg 100mg
Lysine dextran 500 TdB LD500-10mg 10mg
Lysine dextran 70 TdB LD70-1g 1g
Lysine dextran 70 TdB LD70-100mg 100mg
Lysine dextran 70 TdB LD70-10mg 10mg
Lysine dextran 10 TdB LD10-1g 1g
Lysine dextran 10 TdB LD10-100mg 100mg
Lysine dextran 10 TdB LD10-10mg 10mg
Lysine dextran 4 TdB LD4-1g 1g
Lysine dextran 4 TdB LD4-100mg 100mg
Lysine dextran 4 TdB LD4-10mg 10mg
Q-dextran 10 TdB QD10-100g 100g
Q-dextran 10 TdB QD10-10g 10g
Polysucrose 50 TdB P50-1g 1g
CM-dextran 500 TdB CMD500-100g 100g
CM-dextran 500 TdB CMD500-10g 10g
CM-dextran 10 TdB CMD10-100g 100g
CM-dextran 10 TdB CMD10-10g 10g
ATTO647n-Lysine dextran 70 TdB AT647nLD70-5mg 5mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 150 TdB ARLD150-50mg 50mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 150 TdB ARLD150-10mg 10mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 70 TdB ARLD70-50mg 50mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 70 TdB ARLD70-10mg 10mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 40 TdB ARLD40-50mg 50mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 40 TdB ARLD40-10mg 10mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 20 TdB ARLD20-50mg 50mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 20 TdB ARLD20-10mg 10mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 4 TdB ARLD4-50mg 50mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 4 TdB ARLD4-10mg 10mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 150 TdB ARLD150-50mg 50mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 150 TdB ARLD150-10mg 10mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 70 TdB ARLD70-50mg 50mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 70 TdB ARLD70-10mg 10mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 40 TdB ARLD40-50mg 50mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 40 TdB ARLD40-10mg 10mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 20 TdB ARLD20-50mg 50mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 20 TdB ARLD20-10mg 10mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 4 TdB ARLD4-50mg 50mg
Antonia Red-Lysine dextran 4 TdB ARLD4-10mg 10mg
Antonia Red dextran 150 TdB ARD150 -50mg 50mg
Antonia Red dextran 150 TdB ARD150 -10mg 10mg
Antonia Red dextran 40 TdB ARD40 -50mg 50mg
Antonia Red dextran 40 TdB ARD40 -10mg 10mg
Antonia Red dextran 20 TdB ARD20 -50mg 50mg
Antonia Red dextran 20 TdB ARD20 -10mg 10mg
Antonia Red dextran 4 TdB ARD4 -50mg 50mg
Antonia Red dextran 4 TdB ARD4 -10mg 10mg
TRITC-Lysine dextran 500 TdB TLD500-50mg 50mg
TRITC-Lysine dextran 500 TdB TLD500-10mg 10mg
TRITC-Lysine dextran 70 TdB TLD70-50mg 50mg
TRITC-Lysine dextran 70 TdB TLD70-10mg 10mg
TRITC-Lysine dextran 10 TdB TLD10-50mg 50mg
TRITC-Lysine dextran 10 TdB TLD10-10mg 10mg
TRITC-Lysine dextran 4 TdB TLD4-50mg 50mg
TRITC-Lysine dextran 4 TdB TLD4-10mg 10mg
FITC-Q-dextran 10 TdB FDQ10-1g 1g
FITC-Q-dextran 10 TdB FQD10-100ng 100ng
ATTO488-Lysine dextran 10 TdB AT488LD10-5mg 5mg
ATTO488-dextran 4 TdB AT488D4-5mg 5mg
FITC-Lysine dextran 500 TdB FLD500-50mg 50mg
FITC-Lysine dextran 500 TdB FLD500-10mg 10mg
FITC-Lysine dextran 70 TdB FLD70-50mg 50mg
FITC-Lysine dextran 70 TdB FLD70-10mg 10mg
FITC-Lysine dextran 10 TdB FLD10-50mg 50mg
FITC-Lysine dextran 10 TdB FLD10-10mg 10mg
FITC-Lysine dextran 4 TdB FLD4-5mg 5mg
FITC-Lysine dextran 4 TdB FLD4-10mg 10mg
FITC-Hydroxyethyl Starch TdB FHES-1g 1g
FITC-Trehalose TdB FTRE-1mg 1mg
FITC-Polysucrose 170 TdB FP170-1g 1g
FITC-Polysucrose 170 TdB FP170-100mg 100mg
FITC-Polysucrose 100 TdB FP100-1g 1g
FITC-Polysucrose 100 TdB FP100-100mg 100mg
FITC-Polysucrose 50 TdB FP50-1g 1g
FITC-Polysucrose 50 TdB FP50-100mg 100mg
FITC-dextran sulphate 10 TdB FDSS10-1g 1g
FITC-dextran sulphate 10 TdB FDSS10-100mg 100mg
FITC-dextran sulphate 4 TdB FDSS4-1g 1g
FITC-dextran sulphate 4 TdB FDSS4-100mg 100mg
FITC-DEAE-dextran 10 TdB FDD-1g 1g
FITC-DEAE-dextran 10 TdB FDD10-100mg 100mg
Polysucrose 1000 TdB P1000-1g 1g
Polysucrose 40 TdB P40-1g 1g
Polysucrose 20 TdB P20-1g 1g
DEAE-dextran 2000 TdB DD2000-100g 100g
DEAE-dextran 2000 TdB DD2000-10g 10g
DEAE-dextran 500 TdB DD500-100g 100g
DEAE-dextran 500 TdB DD500-10g 10g
DEAE-dextran 150 TdB DD150-100g 100g
DEAE-dextran 150 TdB DD150-10g 10g
DEAE-dextran 70 TdB DD70-100g 100g
DEAE-dextran 70 TdB DD70-10g 10g
DEAE-dextran 20 TdB DD20-100g 100g
DEAE-dextran 20 TdB DD20-10g 10g
DEAE-dextran 10 TdB DD10-100g 100g
DEAE-dextran 10 TdB DD10-10g 10g
DEAE-dextran 4 TdB DD4-100g 100g
DEAE-dextran 4 TdB DD4-10g 10g
DEAE-Polysucrose 70 TdB DP70-1g 1g
CM-Polysucrose 70 TdB CMP70-1g 1g
CM-dextran 150 TdB CMD150-100g 100g
CM-dextran 150 TdB CMD150-10g 10g
CM-dextran 70 TdB CMD70-100g 100g
CM-dextran 70 TdB CMD70-10g 10g
CM-dextran 40 TdB CMD40-100g 100g
CM-dextran 40 TdB CMD40-10g 10g
CM-dextran 20 TdB CMD20-100g 100g
CM-dextran 20 TdB CMD20-10g 10g
CM-dextran 4 TdB CMD4-100g 100g
CM-dextran 4 TdB CMD4-10g 10g
Q-dextran 150 TdB QD150-100g 100g
Q-dextran 150 TdB QD150-10g 10g
Q-dextran 70 TdB QD70-100g 100g
Q-dextran 70 TdB QD70-10g 10g
Q-dextran 20 TdB QD20-100g 100g
Q-dextran 20 TdB QD20-10g 10g
Q-dextran 4 TdB QD4-100g 100g
Q-dextran 4 TdB QD4-10g 10g
Phenyldextran 40 TdB PhD40-100g 100g
Phenyldextran 40 TdB PhD40-10g 10g
Dextran sulphate sodium TdB DB001-500g 500g
Dextran sulphate sodium TdB DB001-100g 100g
Dextran sulphate sodium TdB DB001-50g 50g
Dextran sulphate 500 HS TdB DB050-100g 100g
Dextran sulphate 500 HS TdB DB050-10g 10g
Dextran sulphate 100 HS TdB DB016-100g 100g
Dextran sulphate 100 HS TdB DB016-10g 10g
Dextran sulphate 20 HS TdB DB012-100g 100g
Dextran sulphate 20 HS TdB DB012-10g 10g
Dextran sulphate 10 HS TdB DB008-100g 100g
Dextran sulphate 10 HS TdB DB008-10g 10g
Dextran sulphate 5 HS TdB DB004-100g 100g
Dextran sulphate 5 HS TdB DB004-10g 10g
Dextran sulphate 500 LS TdB DB051-100g 100g
Dextran sulphate 500 LS TdB DB051-10g 10g
Dextran sulphate 100 LS TdB DB015-100g 100g
Dextran sulphate 100 LS TdB DB015-10g 10g
Dextran sulphate 40 LS TdB DB003-100g 100g
Dextran sulphate 40 LS TdB DB003-10g 10g
Dextran sulphate 20 LS TdB DB013-100g 100g
Dextran sulphate 20 LS TdB DB013-10g 10g
Dextran sulphate 10 LS TdB DB009-100g 100g
Dextran sulphate 10 LS TdB DB009-10g 10g
Dextran sulphate 5 LS TdB DB005-100g 100g
Dextran sulphate 5 LS TdB DB005-10g 10g
Blue dextran 2000 TdB BD2000-10g 10g
Blue dextran 2000 TdB BD2000-1g 1g
Blue dextran 500 TdB BD500-10g 10g
Blue dextran 500 TdB BD500-1g 1g
Blue dextran 110 TdB BD110-10g 10g
Blue dextran 110 TdB BD110-1g 1g
Blue dextran 70 TdB BD70-10g 10g
Blue dextran 70 TdB BD70-1g 1g
Blue dextran 40 TdB BD40-10g 10g
Blue dextran 40 TdB BD40-1g 1g
Blue dextran 20 TdB BD20-10g 10g
Blue dextran 20 TdB BD20-1g 1g
Blue dextran 10 TdB BD10-10g 10g
Blue dextran 10 TdB BD10-1g 1g
Blue dextran 5 TdB BD5-10g 10g
Blue dextran 5 TdB BD5-1g 1g
TRITC-hyaluronic acid TdB THA-Se-100mg 100mg
TRITC-Polysucrose 400 TdB TP400-1g 1g
TRITC-Polysucrose 400 TdB TP400-100mg 100mg
TRITC-Polysucrose 70 TdB TP70-1g 1g
TRITC-Polysucrose 70 TdB TP70-100mg 100mg
TRITC-Polysucrose 40 TdB TP-40-1g 1g
TRITC-Polysucrose 40 TdB TP40-100mg 100mg
TRITC-Polysucrose 20 TdB TP20-1g 1g
TRITC-Polysucrose 20 TdB TP20-100mg 100mg
TRITC-dextran 2000 TdB TD2000-1g 1g
TRITC-dextran 2000 TdB TD2000-100mg 100mg
TRITC-dextran 500 TdB TD500-1g 1g
TRITC-dextran 500 TdB TD500-100mg 100mg
TRITC-dextran 150 TdB TD150-1g 1g
TRITC-dextran 150 TdB TD150-100mg 100mg
TRITC-dextran 70 TdB TD70-1g 1g
TRITC-dextran 70 TdB TD70-100mg 100mg
TRITC-dextran 40 TdB TD40-1g 1g
TRITC-dextran 40 TdB TD40-100mg 100mg
TRITC-dextran 20 TdB TD20-1g 1g
TRITC-dextran 20 TdB TD20-100mg 100mg
TRITC-dextran 4 TdB TD4-1g 1g
TRITC-dextran 4 TdB TD4-100mg 100mg
FITC-DEAE-Polysucrose 400 TdB FDP400-1g 1g
FITC-DEAE-Polysucrose 400 TdB FDP400-100mg 100mg
FITC-DEAE-Polysucrose70 TdB FDP70-1g 1g
FITC-DEAE-Polysucrose 70 TdB FDP70-100mg 100mg
FITC-CM-Polysucrose 400 TdB FCMP400-1g 1g
FITC-CM-Polysucrose 400 TdB FCMP400-100mg 100mg
FITC-CM-Polysucrose 70 TdB FCMP70-1g 1g
FITC-CM-Polysucrose 70 TdB FCMP70-100mg 100mg
FITC-Polysucrose 400 TdB FP400-1g 1g
FITC-Polysucrose 400 TdB FP400-100mg 100mg
FITC-Polysucrose 70 TdB FP70-1g 1g
FITC-Polysucrose 70 TdB FP70-100mg 100mg
FITC-Polysucrose 40 TdB FP40-1g 1g
FITC-Polysucrose 40 TdB FP40-100mg 100mg
FITC-Polysucrose 20 TdB FP20-1g 1g
FITC-Polysucrose 20 TdB FP20-100mg 100mg
Fluorescent hyaluronic acid TdB FHA-Se-100mg 100mg
FITC-dextran sulphate 500 TdB FDSS500-1g 1g
FITC-dextran sulphate 500 TdB FDSS500-100mg 100mg
FITC-dextran sulphate 40 TdB FDSS40-1g 1g
FITC-dextran sulphate 40 TdB FDSS40-100mg 100mg
FITC-inulin TdB FI-5g 5g
FITC-inulin TdB FI-1g 1g
FITC-inulin TdB FI-100mg 100mg
FITC-DEAE-dextran 150 TdB FDD150-1g 1g
FITC-DEAE-dextran 150 TdB FDD150-100mg 100mg
FITC-DEAE-dextran 70 TdB FDD70-1g 1g
FITC-DEAE-dextran 70 TdB FDD70-100mg 100mg
FITC-DEAE-dextran 40 TdB FDD40-1g 1g
FITC-DEAE-dextran 40 TdB FDD40-100mg 100mg
FITC-DEAE-dextran 20 TdB FDD20-1g 1g
FITC-DEAE-dextran 20 TdB FDD20-100mg 100mg
FITC-DEAE-dextran 4 TdB FDD4-1g 1g
FITC-DEAE-dextran 4 TdB FDD4-100mg 100mg
FITC-CM-dextran 150 TdB FCMD150-1g 1g
FITC-CM-dextran 150 TdB FCMD150-100mg 100mg
FITC-CM-dextran 70 TdB FCMD70-1g 1g
FITC-CM-dextran 70 TdB FCMD70-100mg 100mg
FITC-CM-dextran 40 TdB FCMD40-1g 1g
FITC-CM-dextran 40 TdB FCMD40-100mg 100mg
FITC-CM-dextran 20 TdB FCMD20-1g 1g
FITC-CM-dextran 20 TdB FCMD20-100mg 100mg
FITC-CM-dextran 4 TdB FCMD4-1g 1g
FITC-CM-dextran 4 TdB FCMD4-100mg 100mg
FITC-dextran 2000 TdB FD2000-5g 5g
FITC-dextran 2000 TdB FD2000-1g 1g
FITC-dextran 2000 TdB FD2000-100mg 100mg
FITC-dextran 500 TdB FD500-5g 5g
FITC-dextran 500 TdB FD500-1g 1g
FITC-dextran 500 TdB FD500-100mg 100mg
FITC-dextran 150 TdB FD150-5g 5g
FITC-dextran 150 TdB FD150-1g 1g
FITC-dextran 150 TdB FD150-100mg 100mg
FITC-dextran 110 TdB FD110-5g 5g
FITC-dextran 110 TdB FD110-1g 1g
FITC-dextran 110 TdB FD110-100mg 100mg
FITC-dextran 70 TdB FD70-5g 5g
FITC-dextran 70 TdB FD70-1g 1g
FITC-dextran 70 TdB FD70-100mg 100mg
FITC-dextran 40 TdB FD40-5g 5g
FITC-dextran 40 TdB FD40-1g 1g
FITC-dextran 40 TdB FD40-100mg 100mg
FITC-dextran 20 TdB FD20-5g 5g
FITC-dextran 20 TdB FD20-1g 1g
FITC-dextran 20 TdB FD20-100mg 100mg
FITC-dextran 10 TdB FD10-5g 5g
FITC-dextran 10 TdB FD10-1g 1g
FITC-dextran 10 TdB FD10-100mg 100mg
FITC-dextran 4 TdB FD4-5g 5g
FITC-dextran 4 TdB FD4-1g 1g
FITC-dextran 4 TdB FD4-100mg 100mgtdb

TDB–Cibacron Blue 3G-A

TDB–Cibacron Blue 3G-A

CAS number: 84166-13-2

Cibacron Blue 3G-A is an anionic anthraquinone dye. It is commonly used as a ligand in affinity chromatography for the purification of proteins, enzymes and biopolymers.

Cibacron Blue 3G-A 是一种阴离子蒽醌染料。 它通常用作亲和色谱中的配体,用于纯化蛋白质、酶和生物聚合物。

Cibacron Blue 3G-A dye consists of anthraquinone backbond link to phenyl, triazine, and phenyl rings interconnected by C-N bonds and adorn by amine and sulfate functional moieties.

Cibacron Blue 3G-A 染料由蒽醌反键连接到苯基、三嗪和苯环组成,这些苯环通过 C-N 键相互连接,并由胺和硫酸盐官能团修饰。

Storage and stability
Store in cool place. Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Cibacron Blue 3G-A is stable under recommended storage conditions.

存放于阴凉处。 将容器密封在干燥和通风良好的地方。 Cibacron Blue 3G-A 在推荐的储存条件下是稳定的。

Cibacron Blue 3G-A is soluble in water.

Cibacron Blue 3G-A 可溶于水。

Cibacron Blue 3G-A has been employed in the textile industry for many years. It has shown tremendous protein binding capacity and can readily be immobilized on the polymer containing a hydroxyl group. Due to its aforementioned properties, it has been used as a ligand in affinity chromatography for the purification of proteins and enzymes. It was also reported to apply for the purification of biopolymers (e.g., interferons and albumins). Read more about application here.

Cibacron Blue 3G-A 已在纺织工业中使用多年。 它已显示出巨大的蛋白质结合能力,并且可以很容易地固定在含有羟基的聚合物上。 由于其上述特性,它已被用作亲和层析中的配体,用于纯化蛋白质和酶。 据报道,它还适用于生物聚合物(例如干扰素和白蛋白)的纯化。 在此处阅读有关应用程序的更多信息。

Catalog no Name MW (Da) Packsize
CBLUE Cibacron Blue 3G-A n/a 1g
CBLUE Cibacron Blue 3G-A n/a 5g


TDB–FITC (Fluorescein isothiocyanate)

TDB–FITC (Fluorescein isothiocyanate)

Molecular Formula: C21H11NO5S

CAS Number isomer I: 3326-32-7
CAS Number isomer II: 18861-78-4

FITC (fluorescein isothiocyanate) is a derivative of fluorescein. It is the most widely used fluorescent probe for the preparation of conjugates of molecules from molecular biology or carbohydrate polymers such as dextran1.

FITC(异硫氰酸荧光素)是荧光素的衍生物。 它是最广泛使用的荧光探针,用于从分子生物学或碳水化合物聚合物(如葡聚糖1)制备分子偶联物。

Structure and physical properties
FITC exhibits an excitation maximum at λ = 495 nm and emission maximum at approximately λ = 519 nm. The color of the compound is yellow while the emitted light is green. There are two different isomers of FITC:

FITC 在 λ = 495 nm 处表现出最大激发,在大约 λ = 519 nm 处表现出最大发射。 该化合物的颜色为黄色,而发出的光为绿色。 FITC 有两种不同的异构体:

  • Isomer I, also referred to as fluorescein 5-isothiocyanate or 5-FITC
  • Isomer II, also referred to as fluorescein 6-isothiocyanate or 6-FITC

The variation of the excitation and emission wavelengths among the two isomers of FITC is minor. FITC-functionalized biopolymers such as FITC-dextrans exhibit similar excitation and emission 0.

FITC 的两种异构体之间激发和发射波长的变化很小。 FITC 功能化的生物聚合物,如 FITC-葡聚糖,表现出类似的激发和发射 0。

Figure 1. Excitation(orange) and emission (blue) spectrum of FITC isomer I. The excitation maximum is 495 nm and the emission maximum is approximately 519 nm.

Depending on the isomer, FITC contains an isothiocyanate group at either position 5 (isomer I) or position 6 (isomer 2) of the bottom benzene ring, see figure 2. Isothiocyanate easily reacts with nucleophiles such as amines under mild conditions. The compound is often used in the form of one of its two isomers or sometimes as mixture of the two.

根据异构体的不同,FITC 在底部苯环的第 5 位(异构体 I)或第 6 位(异构体 2)包含一个异硫氰酸酯基团,见图 2。异硫氰酸酯在温和条件下很容易与胺等亲核试剂反应。 该化合物通常以其两种异构体之一的形式或有时以两种异构体的形式使用。

Fig 2. Structural representation of FITC isomer I. FITC isomer I (fluorescein 5-isothiocyanate) contains an isothiocyanate group at position 5.

Storage and stability
Store at 0-8 ˚C in a tightly closed container when not in use. FITC is stable under recommended storage conditions.

不使用时,将其储存在 0-8 ˚C 的密闭容器中。 FITC 在推荐的储存条件下是稳定的。

FITC is soluble in DMSO and DMF.



General FITC is commonly used for labeling antibodies2 (IgG) and also in other immunological applications. It is also often used in flow cytometry, a technology frequently used by biologists to study cellular populations with high precision3.


一般的FITC 通常用于标记抗体 2 (IgG) 以及其他免疫学应用。 它也常用于流式细胞术,生物学家经常使用这种技术来高精度研究细胞群3。

FITC-dextran   FITC-葡聚糖

The labelling of dextran with fluorescein via its FITC derivative was first described in a publication in 1973 by de Belder and Granath4. Now it is a long-established method for obtaining fluorescent labelled polysaccharides. FITC-functionalized polysaccharides such as FITC-dextrans are very useful for studying permeability and transport in a large variety of cells and tissues. This includes the intestinal5, neoplastic6– and ocular7 tissue as well as in research related to brain and neural system8. FITC-dextran and other FITC-conjugated polysaccharides can also be used to study the microcirculation, which can be described as the smallest circulation of blood in the microvessels. These are present within all organ tissues. FITC-dextrans have been used in studies of leukocyte adhesion, macromolecular leakage (see figure 3) and the leakage of microcirculation during ischemia/reperfusion 9. FITC-dextrans have also been used to study the intestinal mucosal microcirculation10.

de Belder 和 Granath 于 1973 年在出版物中首次描述了用荧光素通过其 FITC 衍生物标记葡聚糖。现在它是一种长期建立的获得荧光标记多糖的方法。 FITC 功能化多糖,如 FITC-葡聚糖,对于研究多种细胞和组织的渗透性和转运非常有用。这包括肠道 5、肿瘤 6 和眼 7 组织以及与大脑和神经系统相关的研究 8。 FITC-葡聚糖等FITC-共轭多糖也可用于研究微循环,可谓微血管中血液的最小循环。它们存在于所有器官组织中。 FITC-葡聚糖已用于研究白细胞粘附、大分子渗漏(见图 3)和缺血/再灌注过程中微循环的渗漏 9。FITC-葡聚糖也已用于研究肠粘膜微循环 10。

hamster cheek pouch injected with 150 kDa FITC-dextran_1
Figure 3. Hamster cheek pouch injected with 150 kDa FITC-dextran. The picture was taken 1 min after injection.

pH Indicator  pH指示剂

FITC and other fluorescent dyes have the ability of changing color in response to pH-changes. This can be utilized for measuring pH in living cells. Changes in cellular pH can reflect a range of physiological processes, including muscle contraction, endocytosis, cell proliferation, apoptosis, and ion transport11.

Fluorescent pH-indicators can be either stand-alone-dyes, such as FITC, or dyes coupled to a macromolecule, such as FITC-dextran. The advantage of using fluorescent dextran derivatives is that the molecules can be accumulated in specific intracellular compartments12. Compared to microelectrode techniques, fluorescent pH-indicators also have greater spatial sampling capability11. Another advantage of the probes and indicators is that they don’t bind to cellular proteins12.

FITC 和其他荧光染料具有响应 pH 值变化而改变颜色的能力。 这可用于测量活细胞中的 pH 值。 细胞 pH 值的变化可以反映一系列生理过程,包括肌肉收缩、内吞作用、细胞增殖、细胞凋亡和离子转运11。

荧光 pH 指示剂可以是独立染料,例如 FITC,也可以是与大分子偶联的染料,例如 FITC-葡聚糖。 使用荧光葡聚糖衍生物的优点是分子可以在特定的细胞内隔室中积累。 与微电极技术相比,荧光 pH 指标还具有更大的空间采样能力 11。 探针和指示剂的另一个优点是它们不与细胞蛋白质结合。

Catalog no Name MW (Da) Packsize
FITC FITC (isomer I) n/a 100mg
FITC FITC (isomer I) n/a 250mg
FITC FITC (isomer I) n/a 1g

FITC-products from TdB Labs

  • FITC (isomer I)
  • FITC -dextran
  • FITC -lysine-dextran
  • FITC-CM -dextran
  • FITC-CM -polysucrose
  • FITC-DEAE -dextran
  • FITC-DEAE -polysucrose
  • FITC -dextran sulfate
  • FITC -hydroxyethyl starch
  • FITC -inulin
  • FITC -polysucrose
  • FITC -Q-dextran
  • FITC -trehalose
  • Fluorescein Hyaluronic Acid


All publications

  1. Fluorescein Isothiocyanate – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics.
  2. The, T. H. & Feltkamp, T. E. W. Conjugation of fluorescein isothiocyanate to antibodies. Immunology 18, 865–873 (1970).
  3. Picot, J., Guerin, C. L., Le Van Kim, C. & Boulanger, C. M. Flow cytometry: retrospective, fundamentals and recent instrumentation. Cytotechnology 64, 109–130 (2012).
  4. de Belder, A. N. & Granath, K. Preparation and properties of fluorescein-labelled dextrans. Carbohydrate Research 30, 375–378 (1973).
  5. Aden, K. et al. Epithelial RNase H2 Maintains Genome Integrity and Prevents Intestinal Tumorigenesis in Mice. Gastroenterology 156, 145-159.e19 (2019).
  6. Gerlowski, L. E. & Jain, R. K. Microvascular permeability of normal and neoplastic tissues. Microvasc. Res. 31, 288–305 (1986).
  7. Elevated cAMP opposes (TNF-alpha)-induced loss in the barrier integrity of corneal endothelium. – Abstract – Europe PMC.
  8. Hultström, D., Malmgren, L., Gilstring, D. & Olsson, Y. FITC-Dextrans as tracers for macromolecular movements in the nervous system. A freeze-drying method for dextrans of various molecular sizes injected into normal animals. Acta Neuropathol. 59, 53–62 (1983).
  9. Svensjö, E. et al. Maxadilan, the Lutzomyia longipalpis vasodilator, drives plasma leakage via PAC1–CXCR1/2-pathway. Microvascular Research 83, 185–193 (2012).
  10. Schmidt, C. et al. Confocal laser endomicroscopy reliably detects sepsis-related and treatment-associated changes in intestinal mucosal microcirculation. Br J Anaesth 111, 996–1003 (2013).
  11. Han, J. & Burgess, K. Fluorescent indicators for intracellular pH. Chem. Rev. 110, 2709–2728 (2010).
  12. Takahashi, S. et al. Development of a Series of Practical Fluorescent Chemical Tools To Measure pH Values in Living Samples. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 5925–5933 (2018).

TDB–Stand-alone dyes 染料

TDB–Stand-alone dyes 染料

TdB Labs are now launching a new set of stand-alone dyes; FITC (Fluorescein isothiocyanate) and Cibacron Blue 3G-A.

TdB Labs 现在推出了一套新的独立染料; FITC(异硫氰酸荧光素)和 Cibacron Blue 3G-A。

Special introductory price! Launching discount for a limited time period.

Applications  应用

FITC (Fluorescein isothiocyanate) is a derivative of fluorescein. FITC exhibits an excitation maximum at λ = 495 nm and emission maximum at approximately λ = 519 nm. FITC can be easily used as labelling agent of various substrates such as proteins or polysaccharides. Isothiocyanate easily reacts with nucleophiles such as amines under mild conditions.  FITC can also be used in flow cytometry.

FITC(异硫氰酸荧光素)是荧光素的衍生物。 FITC 在 λ = 495 nm 处表现出最大激发,在大约 λ = 519 nm 处表现出最大发射。 FITC 可以很容易地用作各种底物如蛋白质或多糖的标记剂。 异硫氰酸酯在温和的条件下很容易与亲核试剂如胺反应。 FITC 也可用于流式细胞术。

Cibacron Blue 3G-A is an anionic anthraquinone dye. It is as a ligand in affinity chromatography for the purification of proteins, enzymes and biopolymers. Cibacron Blue 3G-A has also been employed in the textile industry for many years. It has shown tremendous protein binding capacity and can readily be immobilized on polymers containing a hydroxyl group.

Cibacron Blue 3G-A 是一种阴离子蒽醌染料。 它是亲和色谱中的配体,用于纯化蛋白质、酶和生物聚合物。 Cibacron Blue 3G-A 也已在纺织工业中使用多年。 它已显示出巨大的蛋白质结合能力,并且可以很容易地固定在含有羟基的聚合物上。


FITC (002)

FITC (Fluorescein isothiocyanate)

CAS Number: 3326-32-7

FITC (isomer I) is a derivative of fluorescein. FITC exhibits an excitation maximum at λ = 495 nm and emission maximum at approximately λ = 519 nm.

Read more

Cibacron Blue 3G-A BW (002)

Cibacron Blue 3G-A

CAS Number: 84166-13-2

Cibacron Blue 3GA is an anionic anthraquinone dye. It is as a ligand in affinity chromatography for the purification of proteins, enzymes and biopolymers.

TDB–Tetramethylrhodamine Hyaluronic Acid 四甲基罗丹明透明质酸

TDB–Tetramethylrhodamine Hyaluronic Acid 四甲基罗丹明透明质酸

Hyaluronic acid (HA) can be obtained from various sources, for example rooster combs orStreptococcus equi. We can supply derivatives of either of these qualities labelled with tetramethylrhodamine (T-HA). All batches are checked for molecular weight, degree of substitution, loss on drying and free TRITC. TdB Labs can produce T-HA with a molecular weight of approximately 1.5 MDa. T-HA is supplied as a pink powder.

透明质酸 (HA) 可以从各种来源获得,例如鸡冠或马链球菌。 我们可以提供标有四甲基罗丹明 (T-HA) 的这些品质的衍生物。 检查所有批次的分子量、取代度、干燥失重和游离 TRITC。 TdB Labs 可以生产分子量约为 1.5 MDa 的 T-HA。 T-HA 以粉红色粉末形式提供。

Structure 结构
Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide composed of alternating β(1-3) glucuronide and β(1-4) glucosaminide units derived from Streptococcus equi. The hyaluronic acid is labelled with amino-tetramethylrhodamine. The degree of substitution lies between 0.001 and 0.008. The labelling procedures do not lead to depolymerisation of the HA.

透明质酸是一种多糖,由来自马链球菌的交替的 β(1-3) 葡糖苷酸和 β(1-4) 葡糖胺单位组成。 透明质酸用氨基四甲基罗丹明标记。 取代度介于 0.001 和 0.008 之间。 标记程序不会导致 HA 解聚。

Spectral data
T-HA has an excitation maximum at 552 nm and an emission maximum at 576 nm.

T-HA 在 552 nm 处具有最大激发,在 576 nm 处具有最大发射。

Storage and stability 
T-HA is stable for more than 6 years when stored dry in well-sealed containers.

在密封良好的容器中干燥储存时,T-HA 可稳定保存 6 年以上。

T-HA dissolves readily in water.

T-HA 易溶于水。

T-HA have been used to e.g. investigate invasive growth into brain tissue. Read more about applications here.

T-HA 已被用于例如 研究侵入性生长进入脑组织。 在此处阅读有关应用程序的更多信息。


  1. Pusch, A. et al. CD44 and hyaluronan promote invasive growth of B35 neuroblastoma cells into the brain. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular Cell Research 1803, 261–274 (2010)
  2. Kaminski, T.Siebrasse, J.-P.Gieselmann, V.Kubitscheck, U.Kappler, J. Imaging and tracking of single hyaluronan molecules diffusing in solution. Glycoconjugate Journal 25(6), 555-560 (2008).

TDB–Antonia Red™ Dextrans Antonia Red™ 葡聚糖

TDB–Antonia Red™ Dextrans Antonia Red™ 葡聚糖

Antonia Red™ is a red-shifted dye with an absorbance maximum at 583 and an emission wavelength of 602 nm. All batches are carefully controlled for molecular weight, appearance, solubility, degree of substitution, fluorescence and free dye. TdB Labs produce Antonia Red-dextran from 4 kDa to 150 kDa. Antonia Red-dextrans are supplied as a purple powder.

Antonia Red™ 是一种红移染料,最大吸光度为 583,发射波长为 602 nm。 所有批次的分子量、外观、溶解度、取代度、荧光和游离染料都经过仔细控制。 TdB Labs 生产 4 kDa 至 150 kDa 的 Antonia Red-dextran。 Antonia Red-dextrans 以紫色粉末形式提供。


Antonia Red™-dextran are synthesised from well-characterised dextran fractions derived from Leuconostoc mesenteroides. The dextran fractions are then labelled with Antonia Red. The degree of substitution lies between 0.001-0.01.

Antonia Red™-葡聚糖由来自肠系膜明串珠菌的充分表征的葡聚糖级分合成。 然后用安东尼红标记葡聚糖级分。 取代度在0.001-0.01之间。

Spectral data 
Antonia Red™-dextran has an absorbance maximum at 583 nm and an emission wavelength of 602 nm in borate buffer at pH 9.0.

Antonia Red™-葡聚糖在 pH 9.0 的硼酸盐缓冲液中的最大吸光度为 583 nm,发射波长为 602 nm。

Storage and stability 
Antonia Red™ dextran is stable for more than 6 years when stored dry in well-sealed containers at ambient temperature

Antonia Red™ 葡聚糖在环境温度下干燥储存在密封良好的容器中时可稳定保存 6 年以上

Antonia Red™-dextran dissolves readily in water.

Antonia Red™-葡聚糖易溶于水。

Antonia Red™-dextran is mainly used for studying permeability and microcirculation. It can also be used as a molecular size marker, for studies of drug delivery and more. Antonia Red shows bright fluorescence, has good photo- and chemical stability and is non-pH dependent. Read more about applications here.

Antonia Red™-葡聚糖主要用于研究渗透性和微循环。 它还可以用作分子大小标记,用于药物递送研究等。 Antonia Red 显示出明亮的荧光,具有良好的光和化学稳定性,并且不依赖于 pH 值。 在此处阅读有关应用程序的更多信息。

References  参考文献

Gustafsson, S. et al. Blood-brain barrier integrity in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease with or without acute 3D6 immunotherapy. Neuropharmacology 143, 1–9 (2018).

TDB–Hyaluronic acid derivatives 透明质酸衍生物

TDB–Hyaluronic acid derivatives 透明质酸衍生物

Hyaluronic acid (HA) coupled to fluorescent dyes is manufactured and offered at TdB Labs. The products exhibit high photo-and chemical stability and bright fluorescence. TdB Labs can produce fluorescent HA derivatives with a molecular weight of approximately 6 MDa. Our high-quality fluorescent Hyaluronic acid derivatives offer:

与荧光染料偶联的透明质酸 (HA) 由 TdB 实验室制造和提供。 该产品具有高光稳定性和化学稳定性以及明亮的荧光。 TdB Labs 可以生产分子量约为 6 MDa 的荧光 HA 衍生物。 我们的高品质荧光透明质酸衍生物提供:

  • Bright fluorescence
  • Red-shifted or Green-shifted emission and excitation
  • Good photo- and chemical stability
  • pH dependence
  • Particle-free formulations
  • Excellent water solubility


TdB Labs offer Hyaluronic acid coupled to Fluorescein or to Tetramethylrhodamine.

TdB Labs 提供与荧光素或四甲基罗丹明偶联的透明质酸。

Fluorescent derivatives of hyaluronic acid are mainly used for studying of the hyaluronan uptake into various tissues, as well as studying ivasive growth of cancer in brain and other organs. Read more about application here.

透明质酸的荧光衍生物主要用于研究透明质酸吸收到各种组织中,以及研究大脑和其他器官中癌症的血管生长。 在此处阅读有关应用程序的更多信息。

Fluorescein Hyaluronic Acid

As a leading producer of fluorescent polysaccharides, we have over the years received requests for Hyaluronic acid coupled to Fluorescein.



Tetramethylrhodamine Hyaluronic Acid

As a leading producer of fluorescent polysaccharides, we have over the years received requests for Hyaluronic acid coupled to Tetramethylrhodamine.



TDB–Polysucrose 聚蔗糖

TDB–Polysucrose 聚蔗糖

Dextran, epichlorohydrin cross-linked polymer


CAS number: 26873-85-8

Polysucrose is supplied as a white powder which is freely soluble in water and electrolyte solutions. Many investigators have considered polysucrose to be a suitable molecule for studying glomerular physiology since it is biocompatible and not readily degraded in the blood stream. Further it has conformational properties more like proteins. Polysucrose (and particularly FITC-and TRITC-labelled polysucrose) have been used extensively in studies of vascular permeability, in particular glomerular permselectivity and has been reviewed. Polysucroses have been used for many decades for such purposes as gradient centrifugation of cells and organelles, nucleic acid hybridization, as a hapten carrier, concentration dialysis, to support growth of cell lines and phase partitioning.

聚蔗糖以白色粉末形式提供,可自由溶于水和电解质溶液。 许多研究人员认为聚蔗糖是研究肾小球生理学的合适分子,因为它具有生物相容性并且不容易在血流中降解。 此外,它具有更像蛋白质的构象特性。 聚蔗糖(尤其是 FITC 和 TRITC 标记的聚蔗糖)已广泛用于血管通透性研究,特别是肾小球渗透选择性研究,并已进行了审查。 几十年来,聚蔗糖已被用于细胞和细胞器的梯度离心、核酸杂交、作为半抗原载体、浓缩透析等目的,以支持细胞系的生长和相分配。

Catalog no Name MW (Da) Packsize
P20 Polysucrose 20 20000 1g
P40 Polysucrose 40 40000 1g
P50 Polysucrose 50 50000 1g
P1000 Polysucrose 1000 1000000 1g

TDB–Q-dextran Q-葡聚糖

TDB–Q-dextran Q-葡聚糖



CAS number: not available

Q-dextran is supplied as a coarse white powder and is readily soluble in water. The nitrogen content is approx.

2% (by elemental analysis) which corresponds to approximately one quaternary ammonium group for every four

glucose units. The nitrogen content is 1.5 – 2.5%. Unlike DEAE-dextrans, Q-dextrans will be charged over a wide

range of pH (pH 4-10). They also have a much stronger net charge and thus give enhanced responses in systems

where this effect is important. Polycati

Q-dextran is a polycationic derivative of dextran. These derivatives are distinct from DEAE-dextrans in that they only contain quaternary amine groups. Unlike DEAE-dextrans, Q-dextrans will be charged over a wide range of pH (pH 4-10). Q-dextrans will also have a much stronger net charge than corresponding DEAE-dextrans. All batches are checked for molecular weight, degree of substitution and loss on drying. TdB Labs produce Q-dextran from 4 kDa to 150 kDa. Q-dextrans are supplied as a white powder.

Can’t find what you are looking for? We can always produce a customised product for you. Read more here.




葡萄糖单位。氮含量为 1.5 – 2.5%。与 DEAE-dextrans 不同,Q-dextrans 将被收取广泛的费用

pH 范围(pH 4-10)。它们还具有更强的净电荷,从而在系统中提供增强的响应


Q-葡聚糖是葡聚糖的聚阳离子衍生物。这些衍生物与 DEAE-葡聚糖的不同之处在于它们仅包含季胺基团。与 DEAE-葡聚糖不同,Q-葡聚糖将在很宽的 pH 值范围内(pH 4-10)带电。 Q-dextrans 的净电荷也比相应的 DEAE-dextrans 强得多。检查所有批次的分子量、取代度和干燥损失。 TdB Labs 可生产 4 kDa 至 150 kDa 的 Q-葡聚糖。 Q-葡聚糖以白色粉末形式提供。


Q-dextrans are synthesised by reacting dextran fractions with 2,3-epoxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride. The nitrogen content is approximately 2% which corresponds to one quaternary ammonium group for every four glucose units.

Storage and stability
Q-dextran is stable for more than 6 years when stored dry in well-sealed containers at ambient temperature.

Q-dextran dissolves readily in water.

Polycationic products exhibit a wide variety of effects in cellular systems and are of interest as adjuvants in vaccines. Q-dextran has a much stronger net charge than corresponding DEAE-dextrans and will thus give enhanced responses in systems where this effect is important. Read more about application here.

Q-葡聚糖是通过葡聚糖组分与 2,3-环氧丙基三甲基氯化铵反应合成的。 氮含量约为 2%,对应于每四个葡萄糖单位一个季铵基团。

Q-葡聚糖在环境温度下在密封良好的容器中干燥储存时可稳定保存 6 年以上。


聚阳离子产品在细胞系统中表现出多种作用,并且在疫苗中作为佐剂受到关注。 Q-葡聚糖的净电荷比相应的 DEAE-葡聚糖强得多,因此在这种效应很重要的系统中会增强响应。 在此处阅读有关应用程序的更多信息。

Catalog no Name MW (Da) Packsize
QD4 Q-dextran 4 4000 10g
QD4 Q-dextran 4 4000 100g
QD10 Q-dextran 10 10000 10g
QD10 Q-dextran 10 10000 100g
QD20 Q-dextran 20 20000 10g
QD20 Q-dextran 20 20000 100g
QD70 Q-dextran 70 70000 10g
QD70 Q-dextran 70 70000 100g
QD150 Q-dextran 150 150000 10g
QD150 Q-dextran 150 150000 100g


TDB–Blue Dextrans 蓝色葡聚糖

TDB–Blue Dextrans 蓝色葡聚糖

CAS number: 87915-38-6

Blue dextran 2000 has long been used as a void volume marker in chromatography

and Blue-dextran gel conjugates for chromatography have been available for many

years (e.g. see GE Healthcare Life Sciences; Size Exclusion Chromatography; Princi

ples and Methods). Other important areas of research,

Blue dextran 2000 长期以来一直被用作色谱中的空隙体积标记


年(例如,参见 GE Healthcare Life Sciences;尺寸排阻色谱;Princi

ples 和方法)。 其他重要的研究领域,

where blue-dextrans have been used, are:

  • Studies on lysosomal activity
  • Endothelial cell permeability
  • Bovine sperm permeability
  • Cornea permeability
  • Flow studies in lung
  • Cerebro-permeability
  • Binding of proteins and enzymes to blue dextran.



Spectral data: The blue chromophore has an absorbance maximum at 621.5 nm

CAS Number: 87915-38-6

Blue dextrans are synthesised from controlled dextran fractions by reacting with Cibacron blue F3GA. After purification from non-bound dye, products are controlled for molecular weight, solubility, degree of substitution, free dye and loss on drying. TdB Labs offer blue dextran in a wide variety of molecular weights, ranging from 5 kDa to 2000 kDa.

蓝色葡聚糖是通过与 Cibacron blue F3GA 反应从受控的葡聚糖级分合成的。 从非结合染料中纯化后,对产品的分子量、溶解度、取代度、游离染料和干燥失重进行控制。 TdB Labs 提供各种分子量的蓝色葡聚糖,范围从 5 kDa 到 2000 kDa。


Dextran is a polysaccharide derived from the bacterium Leuconostoc mesenteroides B512F; and consists of an α-D-(1 – 6) linear glucan with a low content (ca. 5%) of side chains linked to 3-carbon of glucose. The dextran is then labelled with Cibacron blue F3GA.

葡聚糖是一种源自肠系膜明串珠菌 B512F 的多糖; 由 α-D-(1 – 6) 线性葡聚糖组成,侧链含量低(约 5%),与葡萄糖的 3-碳相连。 然后用 Cibacron blue F3GA 标记葡聚糖。

Storage and stability
Blue dextrans are stable for more than 6 years when stored dry in well-sealed containers at ambient temperature

蓝色葡聚糖在环境温度下干燥储存在密封良好的容器中时可稳定保存 6 年以上

Blue dextran dissolves freely in water.


Blue dextran has long been used as a void volume marker in chromatography. Blue dextran can also be used as a molecular marker. Read more about application here.

长期以来,蓝色葡聚糖一直被用作色谱中的空隙体积标记。 蓝色葡聚糖也可用作分子标记。 在此处阅读有关应用程序的更多信息。

Catalog no Name MW (Da) Packsize
BD5 Blue dextran 5 5000 1g
BD5 Blue dextran 5 5000 10g
BD10 Blue dextran 10 10000 1g
BD10 Blue dextran 10 10000 10g
BD20 Blue dextran 20 20000 1g
BD20 Blue dextran 20 20000 10g
BD40 Blue dextran 40 40000 1g
BD40 Blue dextran 40 40000 10g
BD70 Blue dextran 70 70000 1g
BD70 Blue dextran 70 70000 10g
BD110 Blue dextran 110 110000 1g
BD110 Blue dextran 110 110000 10g
BD500 Blue dextran 500 500000 1g
BD500 Blue dextran 500 500000 10g
BD2000 Blue dextran 2000 2000000 1g
BD2000 Blue dextran 2000 2000000 10g


Click to view publications

  1. Beugeling, M. et al. The mechanism behind the biphasic pulsatile drug release from physically mixed poly(dl-lactic(-co-glycolic) acid)-based compacts. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 551, 195–202 (2018).
  2. Russo, D. et al. Direct photolysis of benzoylecgonine under UV irradiation at 254nm in a continuous flow microcapillary array photoreactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 283, 243–250 (2016).
  3. Vagenende, V., Ching, T.-J., Chua, R.-J., Jiang, Q. Z. & Gagnon, P. Self-assembly of lipopolysaccharide layers on allantoin crystals. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 120, 8–14 (2014).



CAS number: 60842-46-8

FITC-dextran is supplied as a yellow/orange powder which dissolves

freely in water or salt solutions giving a yellow solution. FITC-dextrans

are primarily used for studying permeability and transport in cells

and tissues.

Spectral data: Excitation is best performed at 493 nm and

fluorescence measured at 518 nm.






FD4-100mg FITC-dextran 4
FD4-1g FITC-dextran 4
FD4-5g FITC-dextran 4
FD10-100mg FITC-dextran 10
FD10-1g FITC-dextran 10
FD10-5g FITC-dextran 10
FD20-100mg FITC-dextran 20
FD20-1g FITC-dextran 20
FD20-5g FITC-dextran 20
FD40-100mg FITC-dextran 40
FD40-1g FITC-dextran 40
FD40-5g FITC-dextran 40
FD70-100mg FITC-dextran 70
FD70-1g FITC-dextran 70
FD70-5g FITC-dextran 70
FD110-100mg FITC-dextran 110
FD110-1g FITC-dextran 110
FD110-5g FITC-dextran 110
FD150-100mg FITC-dextran 150
FD150-1g FITC-dextran 150
FD150-5g FITC-dextran 150
FD500-100mg FITC-dextran 500
FD500-1g FITC-dextran 500
FD500-5g FITC-dextran 500
FD2000-100mg FITC-dextran 2000
FD2000-1g FITC-dextran 2000
FD2000-5g FITC-dextran 2000
FCMD4-100mg FITC-CM-dextran 4
FCMD4-1g FITC-CM-dextran 4
FCMD20-100mg FITC-CM-dextran 20
FCMD20-1g FITC-CM-dextran 20
FCMD40-100mg FITC-CM-dextran 40
FCMD40-1g FITC-CM-dextran 40
FCMD70-100mg FITC-CM-dextran 70
FCMD70-1g FITC-CM-dextran 70
FCMD150-100mg FITC-CM-dextran 150
FCMD150-1g FITC-CM-dextran 150
FDD4-100mg FITC-DEAE-dextran 4
FDD4-1g FITC-DEAE-dextran 4
FDD10-100mg FITC-DEAE-dextran 10
FDD-1g FITC-DEAE-dextran 10
FDD20-100mg FITC-DEAE-dextran 20
FDD20-1g FITC-DEAE-dextran 20
FDD40-100mg FITC-DEAE-dextran 40
FDD40-1g FITC-DEAE-dextran 40
FDD70-100mg FITC-DEAE-dextran 70
FDD70-1g FITC-DEAE-dextran 70
FDD150-100mg FITC-DEAE-dextran 150
FDD150-1g FITC-DEAE-dextran 150
FI-100mg FITC-inulin
FI-1g FITC-inulin
FI-5g FITC-inulin
FDSS10-100mg FITC-dextran sulphate 10
FDSS10-1g FITC-dextran sulphate 10
FDSS40-100mg FITC-dextran sulphate 40
FDSS40-1g FITC-dextran sulphate 40
FDSS500-100mg FITC-dextran sulphate 500
FDSS500-1g FITC-dextran sulphate 500
FHA-Se-100mg Fluorescent hyaluronic acid
FP20-100mg FITC-Polysucrose 20
FP20-1g FITC-Polysucrose 20
FP40-100mg FITC-Polysucrose 40
FP40-1g FITC-Polysucrose 40
FP70-100mg FITC-Polysucrose 70
FP70-1g FITC-Polysucrose 70
FP400-100mg FITC-Polysucrose 400
FP400-1g FITC-Polysucrose 400
FCMP70-100mg FITC-CM-Polysucrose 70
FCMP70-1g FITC-CM-Polysucrose 70
FCMP400-100mg FITC-CM-Polysucrose 400
FCMP400-1g FITC-CM-Polysucrose 400
FDP70-100mg FITC-DEAE-Polysucrose 70
FDP70-1g FITC-DEAE-Polysucrose70
FDP400-100mg FITC-DEAE-Polysucrose 400
FDP400-1g FITC-DEAE-Polysucrose 400
AT488D4-5mg ATTO488™-dextran 4
ARD4-10mg Antonia Red™ dextran 4
ARD4-50mg Antonia Red™ dextran 4
ARD20-10mg Antonia Red™ dextran 20
ARD20-50mg Antonia Red™ dextran 20
ARD40-10mg Antonia Red™ dextran 40
ARD40-50mg Antonia Red™ dextran 40
ARD150-10mg Antonia Red™ dextran 150
ARD150-50mg Antonia Red™ dextran 150
TD4-100mg TRITC-dextran 4
TD4-1g TRITC-dextran 4
TD20-100mg TRITC-dextran 20
TD20-1g TRITC-dextran 20
TD40-100mg TRITC-dextran 40
TD40-1g TRITC-dextran 40
TD70-100mg TRITC-dextran 70
TD70-1g TRITC-dextran 70
TD150-100mg TRITC-dextran 150
TD150-1g TRITC-dextran 150
TD500-100mg TRITC-dextran 500
TD500-1g TRITC-dextran 500
TD2000-100mg TRITC-dextran 2000
TD2000-1g TRITC-dextran 2000
TP20-100mg TRITC-Polysucrose 20
TP20-1g TRITC-Polysucrose 20
TP40-100mg TRITC-Polysucrose 40
TP-40-1g TRITC-Polysucrose 40
TP70-100mg TRITC-Polysucrose 70
TP70-1g TRITC-Polysucrose 70
TP400-100mg TRITC-Polysucrose 400
TP400-1g TRITC-Polysucrose 400
THA-Se-100mg TRITC-hyaluronic acid
BD5-1g Blue dextran 5
BD5-10g Blue dextran 5
BD10-1g Blue dextran 10
BD10-10g Blue dextran 10
BD20-1g Blue dextran 20
BD20-10g Blue dextran 20
BD40-1g Blue dextran 40
BD40-10g Blue dextran 40
BD70-1g Blue dextran 70
BD70-10g Blue dextran 70
BD110-1g Blue dextran 110
BD110-10g Blue dextran 110
BD500-1g Blue dextran 500
BD500-10g Blue dextran 500
BD2000-1g Blue dextran 2000
BD2000-10g Blue dextran 2000
DB005-10g Dextran sulphate 5 LS
DB005-100g Dextran sulphate 5 LS
DB009-10g Dextran sulphate 10 LS
DB009-100g Dextran sulphate 10 LS
DB013-10g Dextran sulphate 20 LS
DB013-100g Dextran sulphate 20 LS
DB003-10g Dextran sulphate 40 LS
DB003-100g Dextran sulphate 40 LS
DB015-10g Dextran sulphate 100 LS
DB015-100g Dextran sulphate 100 LS
DB051-10g Dextran sulphate 500 LS
DB051-100g Dextran sulphate 500 LS
DB004-10g Dextran sulphate 5 HS
DB004-100g Dextran sulphate 5 HS
DB008-10g Dextran sulphate 10 HS
DB008-100g Dextran sulphate 10 HS
DB012-10g Dextran sulphate 20 HS
DB012-100g Dextran sulphate 20 HS
DB016-10g Dextran sulphate 100 HS
DB016-100g Dextran sulphate 100 HS
DB050-10g Dextran sulphate 500 HS
DB050-100g Dextran sulphate 500 HS
DB001-50g Dextran sulphate sodium
DB001-100g Dextran sulphate sodium
DB001-500g Dextran sulphate sodium
PhD40-10g Phenyldextran 40
PhD40-100g Phenyldextran 40
QD4-10g Q-dextran 4
QD4-100g Q-dextran 4
QD20-10g Q-dextran 20
QD20-100g Q-dextran 20
QD70-10g Q-dextran 70
QD70-100g Q-dextran 70
QD150-10g Q-dextran 150
QD150-100g Q-dextran 150
CMD4-10g CM-dextran 4
CMD4-100g CM-dextran 4
CM-dextran 10 CSP
CMD20-10g CM-dextran 20
CMD20-100g CM-dextran 20
CMD40-10g CM-dextran 40
CMD40-100g CM-dextran 40
CMD70-10g CM-dextran 70
CMD70-100g CM-dextran 70
CMD150-10g CM-dextran 150
CMD150-100g CM-dextran 150
CMP70-1g CM-Polysucrose 70
DP70-1g DEAE-Polysucrose 70
DD4-10g DEAE-dextran 4
DD4-100g DEAE-dextran 4
DD10-10g DEAE-dextran 10
DD10-100g DEAE-dextran 10
DD20-10g DEAE-dextran 20
DD20-100g DEAE-dextran 20
DD70-10g DEAE-dextran 70
DD70-100g DEAE-dextran 70
DD150-10g DEAE-dextran 150
DD150-100g DEAE-dextran 150
DD500-10g DEAE-dextran 500
DD500-100g DEAE-dextran 500
DD2000-10g DEAE-dextran 2000
DD2000-100g DEAE-dextran 2000
P20-1g Polysucrose 20
P40-1g Polysucrose 40
P1000-1g Polysucrose 1000

上海仁邦医药科技有限公司提供生命科学研究领域系列产品,包括生化试剂、色谱标准品和实验仪器耗材。主营Lumiprobe Cy系列活性荧光染料;修饰性PEG(Laysan bio、NANOCS、Avanti等进口品牌PEG以及定制合成修饰性聚乙二醇、单分散小分量PEG);Sigma、Amresco、TCI、MP bio生化试剂;WAKO日本和光纯药、日本关东化学Kanto试剂、日本三菱、日本柴田科学SIBATA;Megazyme食品分析检测试剂盒、日本共立理化学;Research diets、Harlan、Bio-Serv、日本CLEA Japan品牌的动物饲料;Oxoid、Nissui日水、日本荣研、BD difco、Himedia品牌微生物培养基;免疫试剂包括:Bethyl抗体;Biolegend流式抗体、Abcam、CST、Santa Cruz抗体;Roche、TOYOBO、NEB品牌的酶;中检所、TRC、药典USP、EP、Reagecon标准品;耗材和仪器包括Whatman、日本Advantec滤膜、Millipore品牌的各种滤膜、滤器和柱子填料等、Hampton蛋白结晶试剂耗材、老鼠软管灌胃针、动物毛发记号笔、Labnet、Wheaton瓶子、Bio-Rad伯乐、康宁Corning、Axygen、Falcon 、Eppendorf、Nunc、Nalgene、Nest品牌的培养皿、培养板、离心机、离心管、移液枪及枪头等实验室常用仪器耗材。

服务热线:18301939375   QQ:3258089810    3259632176

TDBcons 高硫硫酸葡聚糖100KD Dextran sulphate 100 HS

TDBcons 高硫硫酸葡聚糖100KD Dextran sulphate 100 HS

TDBcons葡聚糖衍生物 DB016-10g Dextran sulphate 100 HS

TDBcons 高硫硫酸葡聚糖100KD Dextran sulphate 100 HS

品名 英文品名 分子量 规格
低硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate LS 500 Mw: 500000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate LS 5 Mw: 5000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖40 Dextran sulphate LS 40 Mw: 40000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate LS 20 Mw: 20000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate LS 100 Mw: 100000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate LS 10 Mw: 10000 10g、100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 100g

TDBcons 高硫硫酸葡聚糖20000分子量 Dextran sulphate 20 HS

TDBcons 高硫硫酸葡聚糖20000分子量 Dextran sulphate 20 HS

TDBcons葡聚糖衍生物 DB012-100g Dextran sulphate 20 HS

TDBcons 高硫硫酸葡聚糖20000分子量 Dextran sulphate 20 HS

高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 100g

TDBcons Dextran sulphate 20 HS

TDBcons Dextran sulphate 20 HS

TDBcons葡聚糖衍生物 DB012-10g Dextran sulphate 20 HS

TDBcons Dextran sulphate 20 HS

品名 英文品名 分子量 规格
低硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate LS 500 Mw: 500000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate LS 5 Mw: 5000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖40 Dextran sulphate LS 40 Mw: 40000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate LS 20 Mw: 20000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate LS 100 Mw: 100000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate LS 10 Mw: 10000 10g、100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 100g

TDBcons 高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate 10 HS

TDBcons 高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate 10 HS

TDBcons葡聚糖衍生物 DB008-100g Dextran sulphate 10 HS

TDBcons 高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate 10 HS

品名 英文品名 分子量 规格
低硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate LS 500 Mw: 500000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate LS 5 Mw: 5000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖40 Dextran sulphate LS 40 Mw: 40000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate LS 20 Mw: 20000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate LS 100 Mw: 100000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate LS 10 Mw: 10000 10g、100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 100g

TDBcons 高硫硫酸葡聚糖10000分子量

TDBcons 高硫硫酸葡聚糖10000分子量

TDBcons葡聚糖衍生物 DB008-10g Dextran sulphate 10 HS

TDBcons 高硫硫酸葡聚糖10000分子量

品名 英文品名 分子量 规格
低硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate LS 500 Mw: 500000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate LS 5 Mw: 5000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖40 Dextran sulphate LS 40 Mw: 40000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate LS 20 Mw: 20000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate LS 100 Mw: 100000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate LS 10 Mw: 10000 10g、100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 100g

TDBcons Dextran sulphate 5 HS

TDBcons Dextran sulphate 5 HS

TDBcons葡聚糖衍生物 DB004-100g Dextran sulphate 5 HS

TDBcons Dextran sulphate 5 HS

品名 英文品名 分子量 规格
低硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate LS 500 Mw: 500000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate LS 5 Mw: 5000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖40 Dextran sulphate LS 40 Mw: 40000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate LS 20 Mw: 20000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate LS 100 Mw: 100000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate LS 10 Mw: 10000 10g、100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 100g

TDBcons Dextran sulphate 5 HS 低硫硫酸葡聚糖5

TDBcons Dextran sulphate 5 HS 低硫硫酸葡聚糖5

TDBcons葡聚糖衍生物 DB004-10g Dextran sulphate 5 HS

TDBcons Dextran sulphate 5 HS 低硫硫酸葡聚糖5

品名 英文品名 分子量 规格
低硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate LS 500 Mw: 500000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate LS 5 Mw: 5000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖40 Dextran sulphate LS 40 Mw: 40000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate LS 20 Mw: 20000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate LS 100 Mw: 100000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate LS 10 Mw: 10000 10g、100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 100g

TDBcons 低硫硫酸葡聚糖500KD 100g规格

TDBcons 低硫硫酸葡聚糖500KD 100g规格

TDBcons葡聚糖衍生物 DB051-100g Dextran sulphate 500 LS

TDBcons 低硫硫酸葡聚糖500KD 100g规格

品名 英文品名 分子量 规格
低硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate LS 500 Mw: 500000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate LS 5 Mw: 5000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖40 Dextran sulphate LS 40 Mw: 40000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate LS 20 Mw: 20000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate LS 100 Mw: 100000 10g、100g
低硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate LS 10 Mw: 10000 10g、100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖500 Dextran sulphate HS 500 Mw: 500000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖5 Dextran sulphate HS 5 Mw: 5000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖20 Dextran sulphate HS 20 Mw: 20000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖100 Dextran sulphate HS 100 Mw: 100000 100g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 10g
高硫硫酸葡聚糖10 Dextran sulphate HS 10 Mw: 10000 100g