GE 17600088 IPG-BUFFER, PH 3-10NL

GE 17600088 IPG-BUFFER, PH 3-10NL


IPG Buffers For use with Immobiline DryStrip gels to improve protein solubility. Using Immobiline DryStrip gels together with matching IPG buffer gives high sample loading capacity, improves resolution, and increases the probability of detecting low abundance proteins.

Improved IPG buffer pH 3-10 and pH 3-10 NL offer improved resolution, sensitivity, and increased spot intensity as well as additional protein spots in high molecular weight and basic pH areas.

Eliminates background staining. Ensures optimal conditions for IEF separation. IPG Buffers are ampholyte-containing buffer concentrates specifically formulated for use with Immobiline DryStrip gels.

Each IPG Buffer type produces more uniform conductivity along the Immobiline DryStrip during focusing, resulting in wider latitude in run times. IPG Buffers also eliminate high background staining. IPG buffers are supplied in 1-ml aliquots of water.

The buffer is diluted 50- or 200-fold in the rehydration solution, depending on the first-dimension system and pH range of the strip.

IPG 缓冲液 与 Immobiline DryStrip 凝胶一起使用以提高蛋白质溶解度。将 Immobiline DryStrip 凝胶与匹配的 IPG 缓冲液一起使用可提供高样品负载能力、提高分辨率并增加检测低丰度蛋白质的可能性。

改进的 IPG 缓冲液 pH 3-10 和 pH 3-10 NL 提供了更高的分辨率、灵敏度和更高的斑点强度,以及在高分子量和碱性 pH 区域中的额外蛋白质斑点。

消除背景染色。确保 IEF 分离的最佳条件。 IPG 缓冲液是含有两性电解质的浓缩缓冲液,专为与 Immobiline DryStrip 凝胶一起使用而配制。

每种 IPG 缓冲液类型在聚焦期间沿 Immobiline DryStrip 产生更均匀的电导率,从而导致运行时间范围更广。 IPG 缓冲液还可消除高背景染色。 IPG 缓冲液以 1 毫升等分的水提供。

缓冲液在再水合溶液中稀释 50 或 200 倍,具体取决于条带的第一维系统和 pH 值范围。
